All of my techniques are based on knowledge from designated teachers, renowned schools, a great amount of education and have been practiced for years. The key to success is a combination of various options. The way we think, deal with situations and feel is manifested in our cells. Getting out of these habits and seeing alternatives is not always that easy. But we have the possibility to change and to go new ways. I am very happy to accompany you on this journey.
- physiotherapist since 1992
- functional kinesiology according to Klein-Vogelbach
- mtherapy according to Maitland
- craniosacral osteopathy, Academy for Somatic Integration
- pilates instructor, Body Balance Pilates
- yoga instructor, WOYO
- energy work according to Rosalyn Bruyere
- workshops on mediumistic life coaching
- workshops on shamanic healing
- healing work with K. Robertson
- fascia training, fascia yoga, and fascia pilates
- non-medical practitioner for physiotherapy
- Fieldhealing® / Frequency medicine
- EMDR Coach
Anne Mehn Yoga Pilates Faszien Anne Mehn Yoga Pilates Faszien